Hello, first of all I’m glad you visited my website.
I am very happy to listen to your comments and thoughts about my website. I hope my website helps you find useful things in the process of learning Digital Design and Embedded System. In the articles and information on my website, if you see any errors, please let me know. Thanks!
I also hope to receive help from you. Hopefully when you find my website useful, you can share it with everyone about thuypx.com, your friends, colleagues, and followers on social networking platforms. If you have a website, can you help me create a back link to thuypx.com. Thanks!
If you find me suitable for your project, please contact me so we can discuss details about the job, I am very happy with freelance job or remote work. If you see any of my source code suitable for your project, that you need to buy, or if you want to order me to write code, you can contact me.
Thank you very much!
My contact information, choose whichever type of connection is convenient and suitable for you.
I have a full-time job and when not working, I do side projects and take care my family. I have very little free time, so I prioritize you to contact me via email – I will try to answer emails as soon as possible. With chat channels or social networks, if I haven’t responded to your message yet, please wait a little longer, I will reply as soon as posible.
=> You can email me: thuypx.work@gmail.com
=> Message me via zalo: Zalo Connect LINK
=> Message me via Skype: Skype Connect LINK
=> Message me via Telegram: Telegram Connect LINK
Social Network:
=> Ping me on LinkedIn: LinkedIn Connect LINK
=> Connect me on Facebook: Facebook Connect LINK